Can Hydro Jetting Damage Pipes?

Hydro Jetting Damage Pipes

We’ve covered in the past what is Hydro Jetting, what are the benefits and when is the best time to schedule this service. But a question that often comes up is – will this drain cleaning method, damage my pipes? In short, the answer really is – it depends. In this article we will cover scenarios in which Hydro Jetting can be harmful and how this can be avoided.

When Hydro Jetting can damage your pipes

Hydro Jetting can damage your pipes if the water pressure (PSI) is set too high. Every pipe has a burst pressure or the maximum pressure that can be applied to the pipe without causing physical damage. This burst pressure depends on several factors such as: 

  • the type of material the pipe is made of 
  • the diameter of the pipe 
  • the age and overall state of the pipe 
  • other environmental factors that can damage or weaken the pipe  

Hydro Jetting equipment is available in different sizes and capable of different levels of performance. For example, smaller hydro jetters operate with water pressure around 1,500 – 4000 PSI, perfectly safe for residential properties and larger jetters can produce water pressure as high as 60,000 PSI suitable for large, commercial settings with very severe blockage. 

That’s a pretty big jump in pressure levels and you can probably imagine what a devastating scenario can occur if the wrong pressure setting is applied to a pipe that cannot withstand it.    

Hydro Jetting can damage your pipes if your pipes are old, fragile or weak. Pipes that have been weakened and/or damaged by age or environmental factors such as tree roots, will most likely burst when additional pressure is applied. 

Think of your plumbing system like you would of your body. Just like your bones can withstand beneficial exercise – weightlifting or gymnastics, bones that are fractured or hurt can be further damaged and even break under such strenuous pressure. The same applies to your pipes. For this reason, inspecting and checking for weak spots is a crucial step, performed prior to hydro jetting, to establish if this service can be performed safely and effectively. 

Hydro Jetting can damage your pipes if not performed by a trained professional. Other than being familiar with PSI levels, burst pressure and knowing how to perform an inspection to identify any weak spots – performing hydro jetting without the necessary training and experience, can still result in severe damage to your pipes. 

Though a hydro jetting nozzle is designed with performance in mind, a trained professional knows how to use the equipment properly to avoid putting too much pressure, for too long in one area of your drain which can result in unnecessary damage. Working with PSI levels of 5000+ is very dangerous if not handled properly and requires abiding by OSHA safety regulations.

hydro jetting damage pipes

The Solution

Only hire a trained and experienced plumber, for all your drain cleaning and hydro jetting needs. That’s really what it all comes down to. Hydro Jetting is the preferred and most effective method of clearing up a drain clog and preventing more from coming up in the near future. But it is not a DIY job and it requires not only the correct equipment, but also the knowledge and experience to make this work for you and your property.

When choosing a professional plumber for hire, there is a lot to consider which can be a little overwhelming. We broke down the process for you and listed the main questions you should ask when choosing the best drain cleaning company

At VIP Drain Services, our licensed, trained experts are ready to assist you with your sewer and drain needs and for plumbing emergencies, we are available 24/7.

If you have any emergency plumbing need, simply call our 24 hour emergency service line
